Campmeeting 2001

Attendees: Alma & Pete Reese - Ackerman, MS; Robert Sheedy & Marissa - Weir, MS; Margaret Buell - Starkville; Deva Sandroni - Clinton, MS; Joe Jones - Ackerman, MS; Amelia Belle Whittington - Weir, MS; Sam & Beverly Dodd, Ackerman, MS; James & Ruby Smith - Brandon, MS; Pat Bowie - Ackerman, MS; Erin Moss - Ackerman, MS; Thelma Moss - Ackerman, MS; Evelyn Moss - Ackerman; Kecia Cohea - Gore Springs, MS; Jimmy & Robbie Richardson - Starkville, MS; Jo Ann Bowie Graves - Memphis, TN; Ralph Bowie - Ackerman, MS; Ida Lee Bowie - Ackerman, MS; Prentiss & Jimmie Irving - Ackerman, MS; (continued below)

Testimony: Campmeeting at South Union is like coming home to us. Pat and I had our honeymoon here in 1990. We have the sweetest friends here. We still miss all the ones that have gone on to be with Jesus. We will have another big Campmeeting one day in heaven when we all get there. We will carry on our Campmeeting as long as we are able; that's what our loved ones would want us to do. I, Doris McWhorter Cohea Terry, came to Campmeeting when I was 11 years old (in 1934), riding in the back of a wagon from Chester. The road was behind the Casey Smith tent then. I have always loved this place. Pat loves it too. We had lovely services this year. Pat & Doris Terry

Attendees: (continued) Sarah Long Ackerman, MS; Frances Bradberry - Ackerman, MS; Joe & Lenore Griffin - Ackerman, MS; George & Patricia Buell - Horn Lake, MS; Sammie Campbell Niles - Jackson, MS; Mamie Campbell Breckenridge - Raymond, MS; Willie Ethel Gregory - Ackerman, MS; Johnny, Patty, Reid & Paige Draper - Ackerman, MS; Bobby & Mary Lou Cooper - Ackerman, MS; George "Buck" Threilkill - Ackerman, MS; Bonnie Fritz and Lille Fulgham - Ackerman, MS; Ercell Dobbs - Ackerman, MS; Buddy & Beth Boggan - Ackerman, MS; William and Ruby Murihead - Ackerman, MS (continued below)

Testimony: I am 57 years old and I have been attending South Union Campmeeting all my life. My parents, Will and Lillie Belle Liddell, built a tent in 1946. To me, this place is truly Holy Ground. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior during Campmeeting when I was eleven years old. I pray that Campmeeting will be carried on until the end of time. God bless South Union. Alma Reese

Attendees: (continued) Jimmy & Jerry Fulce - Ackerman, MS; David & Russellan Sinn - Jackson, MS; Wilma McCarty - Ackerman, MS; Randy McCarty - Huntsville, AL; Susan McCarty Elderton; Linda Tullos - Ackerman, MS; Norma Crawford - Ackerman, MS; Buddy & Carol (Erwin) Smith - Plantersville, MS; Joyce Vaughn (Erwin) - Ackerman, MS; Mary Louise (Bruce) Erwin - Ackerman, MS; Monroe Fulgham - Ackerman, MS; Phillip & Wanda Wells - Ackerman, MS; Barbara & Johnny Lucas - Ackerman, MS; Troy, Rachel & Maggie Fulce - Ackerman, MS; Glenn Sheedy; Hugh B. Weaver - Ackerman, MS; Rev. Greg Chamblee - Ackerman, MS; Myrtle Hollis - Lebanon; Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Gammill - Ackerman, MS; Everett & Betty Sue Adams - Ackerman, M; Junnie & Faye McMinn - Ackerman, MS; Sara & Maxie Bruce - Mendenhall, MS; Jim & Martha Bruce - Edmonton, Alberta; Rev. Andy Stoddard, Boyle, MS; Lynn Chambers Currie & Trey Currie - Jackson, MS; Roy Bruce - Ackerman, MS; Al & Libby Owen - Ackerman, MS; Marion & Joan Smith - Ackerman, MS; Webb & Madeline Wood - Ackerman, MS; Alvin & Vivian Coleman - Ackerman, MS; Smokey & Sammie Oswalt - Ackerman, MS; Bobby & Ruth Black - Ackerman (continue below)

Testimony: I have attended campmeeting for only six years but I feel such a part of the 130 years here at South Union. So many things are special here, it is hard to even begin to list them. The open-air setting with the sounds of the birds and crickets. The wind blowing in the trees and through the arbor, the dew on the grass in the early morning, the sun as it goes behind the trees - all these things make campmeeting special.
The fellowship is wonderful. The talk of "old times" and the way times have changed is a part of every gathering. It makes me long for a simpler, slower way of life. And campmeeting has a way of slowing me down to a pace where I feel I have time to listen for  a word from God. I don't listen for the phone to ring, but I listen to the message from Him. Time is a gift from God and I cherish the time I spend in renewal at South Union. May God bless the future of this place as it continues to be a place of worship and praise. Beverly Dodd

Attendees: (continued) Herman & Denna Buck - Mathiston, MS; Theopa Harrington - Ackerman, MS; Brenda Lambert; Eric, Mary Grace, Ben & Hannah Chambers - Ackerman, MS; Ed & Elizabeth Rester - Ackerman, MS; Curtis & Frankie Sue Power - Weir, MS; Nellie Ward Hughes - Starkville, MS; Sara Sisson - Memphis, TN; Paul & Patti Leadford (Sunn, Moss) - TN; Rev. Jerry & Edwina Wise - Ackerman, MS; Martha S. Ward - Starkville, MS; George (Red) Hood - Ackerman, MS; Linda Gilbert - Ackerman, MS; J.D. & Dewayne Allen - Ackerman, MS; Mrs. Anna Friberg - South Amboy, N.J.; Anna Mammrick - Weir, MS; Margie Thomas - Benton, MS; Hugh & Virginia Matthews - Benton, MS; Nathan Fulce - Weir, MS; Ethan Fulce - Weir, MS; Drew Edwards - Louisville, MS; Summer Lidell - Weir, MS; Maryanna Grace Whittington - Weir, MS; Sarah Bagwell - Ackerman, MS; Jimmie Henderson - Ackerman, MS.

Testimony: I enjoyed the singing and preaching. I enjoyed Buddy Smith coming back to be with us. I love to tent in the tents. Kecia Cohea

Testimony: Sara Sisson has been coming to Campmeeting since she was 5 years old. She loves this place and this is her yearly joy! Patti Leadford (Sarah's cousin)

Testimony:  The love I have for this place! I call it God's country for it is truly Holy Ground - See you next time! Patti & Paul Ledford

Testimony: South Union Campmeeting is a fun-filled holy experience. Words cannot truly describe how special you feel and how close to God you can get. Everyone should have the pleasure of attending Campmeeting. You would never miss another one if you took the time to attend just one. Love in Jesus Christ our Savior - Rachel Fulce.

Scenes from South Union Campmeeting 2001

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